• 21 ноября 2018, среда
  • Москва, 2-й Смоленский пер. 1/4, 4-ый этаж

Improv Workshop with Rahel Otsa: Make More Mistakes

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1976 дней назад
21 ноября 2018 c 19:00 до 22:00
2-й Смоленский пер. 1/4, 4-ый этаж

So you’re about to go on the stage without having the slightest clue what will really happen. How do you feel before it? How do you feel after the show if it didn’t go as planned?

On November, 21st at 19:00-22:00 our Estonian friend and awesome improviser Rahel Otsa is going to hold a workshop called "Make More Mistakes". 

We all make mistakes. As improvisers it’s even something we’re expected to do. The goal is to find that inner freedom to let ourselves make mistakes and instead of punishing ourselves for that, starting to embrace them. The objective of the workshop is to worship the mess we’ve created and make us feel good about it!

Nice, right? So join us and better pay tickets in advance, as 1) they are cheaper now than at door, 2) the number of places is limited.

Prices: 1300 rubles (in advance), 1500 rubles (at door).

Improv level: beginner-intermediate


Who is Rahel Otsa?

Rahel Otsa is a thoughtful and dynamic improviser who manages one of the oldest improv theatres in Estonia Jaa!mproteater; is the main producer of the International Improv Festival Tilt in Tallinn and coaches improv to both children and adults. Before becoming hooked with improv she did classical theatre and the theatre of the oppressed and she combines all these experiences in trying to find new ways to approach to improv. You can recognize her by fast talk, curly hair and laughter. 


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