• 22 октября 2017, воскресенье
  • Москва, Kostomarovsky lane, 3 bld 1A, office 305

Improv Workshop by Omar A. Galvan

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2401 день назад
22 октября 2017 c 13:00 до 16:00
Kostomarovsky lane, 3 bld 1A, office 305

Improv Workshop by Omar Galvan: Magic realism, poetic body, reality levels This Sunday 22 October our improv guest Omar Galvan from Spain is giving one of his workshops for the Moscow audience. It’s his first visit to Russia, so let’s get together to learn from experienced improviser!

Omar Argentino Galvan shares his particular and evolving work always researching dramaturgy paths and performing resolutions not generally explore in the improv. The poetic movement. The magic realism like an excuse and inspiration to learn and generate new shows. Ghosts, the not living character, the reelection of empty space, reality planes, imaginary object 2.0 and sound painting strokes. A key workshop to discover and understand a Latin American style of improvisation as a theatrical expression.

About Omar A. Galván: one of the main references of the Improv scene “Iberoamericana”, he’s an Improviser, teacher from Spain. His work is characterized by a particular poetic in scene, a blend of magical realism and theatrical narrative which are resources not often used in Improv theater. With his nonstop “Improtour” he has been touring the world since 2000 and has gone through more than twenty-five countries on four continents (Italy, Latin America, Portugal). He has two one-man Impro shows and participates in different ensembles with the most prominent international theatre companies.

In Moscow he starts a world impro-tour – #improtour360!

Entry: 1000 rub (if you pay in advance via Yandex Money, Sberbank), 1200 rub on 22 October
Address: Kostomarovsky lane, 3 bld 1A, office 305


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