• 27 августа 2017, воскресенье
  • Москва, Костомаровский пер., д.3, стр.1A Офис 305

Английский разговорный клуб с носителем: Stereotypes

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2458 дней назад
27 августа 2017 c 16:00 до 18:00
Костомаровский пер., д.3, стр.1A Офис 305

If you are already fluent in English or you want to level up your speaking skills – welcome to our weekly debate class with a native teacher! It’s a perfect place to discuss different topical themes, share your opinion with interesting people and plunge into an English-speaking environment.

This Sunday August 20  at 16:00 we`re going to discuss Stereotypes

There are so many nationalities; each has its own history, customs and traditions. Certainly people from diverse countries have dissimilar behavior, breeding, trait and characteristics. That is why we understand a word “stereotype” as the fixed conception that is generally characterize a person of some nationality. In my opinion we should not judge about a people or a group of people by stereotypes but nevertheless a certain stereotype does exist.


Moderator: Sheryl Fritz. Born and raised in beautiful Cape Town, South Africa. Sheryl loves to laugh, eat and drink! Great sense of humour, outgoing yet accident prone.

Level: intermediate – advanced

Entry: first lesson – 300 rub, single – 600 rub
50% off for travelers (non-Russian speakers)
50% off if you bring a friend
FREE for native speakers of English

The price includes free cookies and drinks!

PASSES available for:
4 lessons – 2000 rub (4 weeks)
6 lessons – 2700 rub (6 weeks)
8 lessons – 3200 rub (8 weeks)
6 weeks unlimited – 5000 rub

Kostomarovsky 3 bld 1А office 305


+7 (499) 391 8449


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