• 5 марта 2017, воскресенье
  • Москва, Костомаровский пер, 3 стр 1, офис 306

Speaking Club with a native teacher

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2633 дня назад
5 марта 2017 c 16:00 до 18:00
Костомаровский пер, 3 стр 1, офис 306

If you are already fluent in English or you want to level up your speaking skills — welcome to our weekly debate class with a native teacher! It’s a perfect place to discuss different topical themes, share your opinion with interesting people and plunge into an English-speaking environment.

This Sunday March 5 we are going to discuss: Dream Job 

Sommelier, dolphin trainers, restaurant critic, National geographic photographer, professional snuggler, chocolatier, video game tester, personal shopper — did we just list one of your dream jobs? Yes, people get paid to do that! Is is about the money, mission or about the feedback? What does the perfect job description look like? If you also want to be paid to eat chocolate and play video games professionally, then this is your time and place.
Join us on Sunday to figure that out!

Moderator: Rianne Micelli

Entry: the first TWO lessons – 300 rub each, all following — 600 rub
50% off for travelers (non-Russian speakers)
50% off if you bring a friend
FREE for native speakers of English 
The price includes free cookies and drinks!

PASSES available for:
4 lessons — 2000 rub (4 weeks)
6 lessons — 2700 rub (6 weeks)
8 lessons — 3200 rub (8 weeks)
6 weeks unlimited — 5000 rub

Kostomarovsky 3 bld 1 office 306

+7 (499) 391 8449


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